Regenerate SSH key material

All this can be done in an ssh session, however if anything goes wrong, you’ll need console access to fix the problem.

Generate new candidate primes

ssh-keygen -G moduli-2048.candidates -b 2048

Screen primes for suitability

ssh-keygen -T moduli-2048 -f moduli-2048.candidates

Install in ssh config root, backup old moduli:

cd /etc/ssh

mv moduli moduli.bak

mv moduli-2048 moduli

backup existing private/public keys:

for i in *_key;do mv $i $i.bak;done

for i in *.pub;do mv $i $i.bak;done

Generate new keys:

ssh-keygen -A

Restart sshd:

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Verify this by logging out and back in. Your ssh client should bark that the host key has changed. Once you clear the line from .ssh/known_hosts (or the equivalent) you should be able to log in again.

At that point you should delete the old keys and candidate moduli

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