Category Archives: Uncategorized

FC9 iSCSI initiator tools

The stock FC iSCSI initiator is broken. Go figure.

Apparently it’s calls to sysfs don’t work correctly. The problem is that it’s not readily apparent. For instance, you can successfully send a discovery request to the portal and connect to an iSCSI LUN, but commands would fail completely, such as:

iscsiadm –mode session

iscsiadm –mode node -U all

So you can’t view or disconnect active iSCSI connections.

Fortunately, the fix is pretty easy. Download the updated iSCSI source code from The current version is 2.0-870.2. Compiling against kernel worked out flawlessly for me and so far has resolved the issues I found.

Gnome desktop config

From the outset,  I’ve been aggravated by the fact that Foresight’s distribution of the Gnome desktop automatically opens Banshee when I load an audio CD.

I figured out how to use the gconftool-2 to prevent that from happening:

gconftool-2 –type boolean –set /desktop/gnome/volume_manager/autoplay_cda “false”

This can be run as an unprivileged user, and writes the data to the following xml schema file so the setting works across reboots.


You can check the current settings for the volume_manager – both default and custom with:
gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/volume_manager

WordPress auto-formatting

I’m controlling the autoformatting in wordpress so that linux commands and especially configure directives show up correctly and can be used in a shell by copying and pasting directly from this blog.

The solution I’ve been using for years is to edit wp-includes/formatting.php and remove the 2nd and 3rd array elements from $static-characters (‘ –‘, ‘–‘,) and $static-replacements (‘ — ‘, ‘–’,)

That should yield lines similar to the following:

./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc

–mandir=/usr/share/man –infodir=/usr/share/info


here’s a line that should include an em-dash —

here’s a line with 2 hyphens —

here’s a line with 2 hyphens — surrounded by spaces