Renaming Linux Volume Groups

Linux Volume Manager provides software RAID and more generally abstraction between OS and disk devices. It is used by default for RHEL/CentOS 6.3 forward.

A cloned a VM will retain the volume group name of the parent. Use the following procedure to change it.

Find the current volume group name. (You can also see the current group name reflected in the output of dmsetup info.)

lvm vgdisplay

Rename the volume group:

vgrename <old_vg_name> <new_vg_name>

Edit /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.conf so that the new volume group devices get used and mounted when the system starts.

Rebuild the initial RAM disk:

mkinitrd <initrd_file.img> <kernel_version>

Reboot and test.

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